January 12, 2008

Shirdi sai what is life?

I was invited to deliver a guest lecture on Human Genome and my mind was totally into that today...I just said sorry to my sai because I did not narrate my night aarti .....I was into search of life.....

All forms that perish other forms supply,

(By turn we catch the vital breath and die)

Like bubbles on the sea of matter born

They rise, they break, and to that the sea return

I just got the glimpses of the essay by Alexander pope, “An essay on man” when I was browsing when I tried under goggle engine

Enough for my thought to wander it started wandering...I was invited to deliver a guest lecture on Human Genome and my mind was totally into that today...I just said sorry to my sai because I did not narrate my night aarti .....I was into search of life.....

In the beginning was the world. The world proselytized the sea with its message, copying itself unceasingly and for ever. The world discovered how to rearrange chemicals so as to capture little eddies in the stream of entropy and make them live. The world transformed the land surface of the planet from the dusty hell to a verdant paradise. The world eventually blossomed and became sufficiently ingenious to build a porridge contraption called brain that could discover and be aware of the world itself...

My porridge contraption boggles every time I think this thought, in four thousand million years of earth history, I am lucky enough to be alive today, in five million species, I was fortunate enough to be born a conscious human being. In all of the earth’s history, biology and geography, I was born just during this moment of evolution of molecular biology, where two members of my own species discovered the structure DNA and hence uncovered the greatest, simplest and most surprising secret in the universe. Mock my zeal if you want. Consider me ridiculous but follow me on the journey back to the very origin of life, and I hope I can convince you of the immense fascination of the world.

I was so happy that I get such a flow my god my sai....with so much of happiness I just turned my eyes towards my table top....I could see sai with the message “I am omnipresent but people fail to recognize me”

I was taken aback is he telling me straight that I have missed to pray to him. My dear sai you are my life no doubt in whatever circumstances may be I should not have forgotten you dear....I just had him back into my thoughts....

Aum sairam.

1 comment:

Raghav said...

good to get lot of knowledge